Shipping and Delivery Policy

1. Order Placement:
Orders will be accepted from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM daily.
Customers can place orders through our website or by calling our customer support.
2. Delivery Timeframe:
All orders will be delivered within o to  1 day of order placement.
Delivery times are subject to availability and may vary based on the delivery location.
3. Flat Rate Shipping Charges:
Shipping charges are determined based on the delivery pin code.
Flat-rate shipping charges will be communicated to the customer during the checkout process.
4. Delivery Personnel:
Deliveries will be made by our trusted and trained delivery personnel.
5. Delivery Hours:
Deliveries will be made between 10:00 AM and 10:00 PM.
No new orders will be accepted after 10:00 PM. Customers can contact us by phone for assistance.
6. Delivery Restrictions:
Deliveries are limited to specific locations based on our delivery radius.
Customers are encouraged to check the availability of delivery to their pin code during the ordering process.
7. Customer Communication:
Customers will receive order confirmation and delivery updates via email and/or SMS.
Our customer support team is available during operating hours to assist with any queries.
8. Order Cancellation:
Orders cannot be canceled once placed.
In exceptional cases, customers can contact our customer support for assistance.
9. Quality Assurance:
We strive to deliver fresh and high-quality food to our customers.
If there are any issues with the order, customers are requested to contact us immediately for resolution.
10. Late Deliveries:
While we make every effort to deliver orders within the specified timeframe, external factors may cause delays. We appreciate your understanding in such cases.
11. Force Majeure:
We shall not be liable for any failure to perform our obligations where such failure results from any cause beyond our reasonable control.
12. Feedback and Concerns:
We value customer feedback. Customers can provide feedback or raise concerns by contacting our customer support.
13. Modification of Policy:
We reserve the right to modify this Shipping and Delivery Policy at any time. Changes will be effective upon posting on our website.

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